Gifts / Donations

Gifts / Donations

The Sri Sarada Mahila Samiti of Northern California is a nonprofit religious corporation classified as a public charity of the State of California exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.

As a highly cost effective organization, annual administrative costs do not exceed 4% and generally cover post office box rental, postage, and related expenses. Through the personal dedication of Samiti members, services are offered voluntarily without financial compensation. Distribution of educational donations in India are administered through the Sri Sarada Math and the Ramakrishna Sarada Mission headquartered in Dakshineswar, India.

Donations are fully tax-deductible,
you may donate online via PayPal or via American Express Members Give:

Or by mailing to:

Sri Sarada Mahila Samiti of Northern Californa
P.O. Box 60541
Sacramento, CA 95860-0541

Kindly send donations in the form of a check or money order issued to the Sri Sarada Mahila Samiti and specify what your donation is intended for.