We are grateful for the permission to post selected articles from Samvit on a regular basis to this Sri Sarada Mahila Samiti Website.
Samvit is the semi-annual journal of Sri Sarada Math, Dakshineswar, Kolkata, India. The editorial and publication office is located in New Delhi at the Sri Sarada Mission. The Editor is Revered Pravrajika Atmapranaji and the Assistant Editor is Pravrajika Bhavapranaji. Subscriptions for the United States are $8 annually; $24 for three years; and $40 for five years. Remittance may be made by money order or cashiers check issued to Sri Sarada Math. Foreign subscribers should send a letter stating the amount is 'for a donation to Sri Sarada Math as Samvit expenses.' Email: samvit80@gmail.com
The March, 1980 Samvit announced this new journal. "Sri Sarada Math, a monastic organization of sannyasinis of the Ramakrishna Order, is the outcome of the spiritual awakening effected by the dynamic teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda. It is a symbol of women's rise to strength, strength that is born through faith, 'strength that comes from touching the feet of God'. And it is in the tradition of the Vedic Dharma as the law-giver Hrita says: 'Among women there are two classes, those who are seekers of Brahman and those who marry straightaway.'
"Sri Sarada Math has completed twenty-five years of its existence and it is now bringing out a journal of its own. The object is to disseminate the great truths of Vedanta, the spiritual teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda and also those of the founders of all faiths, from the most ancient times to the present age, and thus spread knowledge of the mystical insight and experiences of the world's exalted company of teachers, those who are torchbearers of light and truth. Its purpose will also be to spread knowledge of the different philosophies and the history and culture of this ancient land, India.
"The journal is named Samvit. Samvit means 'knowledge which leads to enlightenment'. While science and philosophy seek truth through the analysis of facts and experiences, spirituality seeks truth through the directness of its awareness. It is a straight path to enlightenment...." ("Reflections". Samvit. Volume 1. pages 2,3.)